Walter Pohl - Andre Gingrich - guest editors: Roland Steinacher - Paolo Tedescho - Philipp Margreiter - Andreas Rhoby
Africa 500-1000. New Perspectives for historical and archaeological research - Global Epigraphy II. Perception and Representation of the Foreign - Volume 16. 2022 - complete volume
(Abstract) (PDF)

Table of Contents
(Abstract) (PDF)

Ingrid Hartl - Walter Pohl
Editorial page 2
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s2
(Abstract) (PDF)

Roland Steinacher - Philipp Margreiter
Africa 500-1000. Introduction page 3
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s3
(Abstract) (PDF)

Bonnie Effros
A New Age of Saint Augustine? Antoine-Adolphe Dupuch, François Bourgade, and the Christians of North Africa (1838-1858) page 26
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s26
(Abstract) (PDF)

Andy Merrills
A Subaltern’s View of Early Byzantine Africa?: Reading Corippus as History page 44
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s44
(Abstract) (PDF)

Elizabeth Fentress
Islamizing Berber Lifestyles page 67
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s67
(Abstract) (PDF)

Isabel Toral
The Umayyad Dynasty and the Western Maghreb. A Transregional Perspective page 93
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s93
(Abstract) (PDF)

Antonia Bosanquet
Maritime Trade from 3rd/9th-century Ifrīqiya: Insights from Legal Sources page 108
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s108
(Abstract) (PDF)

Paolo Tedesco
Africa’s Transitions to the Middle Ages page 129
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s129
(Abstract) (PDF)

Andreas Rhoby
Introduction page 141
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s141
(Abstract) (PDF)

Oliver Hülden
Identification by Architectural Shape. Sarcophagi of Indigenous People and Foreigners in Roman Imperial Lycia page 146
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s146
(Abstract) (PDF)

Peter Kruschwitz
Imaginations of Barbarians and Barbarian Lands in the Latin Verse Inscriptions page 163
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s163
(Abstract) (PDF)

Andreas Rhoby
“Foreign(er)”, “Strange(r)” and “Extraordinary”: xenos and its Meanings in Byzantine (Metrical) Inscriptions page 195
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s195
(Abstract) (PDF)

Eva Caramello - Romedio Schmitz-Esser
From Genova to Yangzhou? Funerary Monuments for Europeans in Yuan China and their Paleographic Analysis page 210
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s210
(Abstract) (PDF)

Andreas Zajic
Alieness in Inscriptions and Alien Inscriptions. Alterity and Strangeness as Reflected in Pre-Modern Inscriptions from Central Europe page 229
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s229
(Abstract) (PDF)

Bernard Gowers
Creolisation and Medieval Latin Europe page 263
doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no16_2022s263
(Abstract) (PDF)